This project was a joint effort between MnDOT, Hennepin County, and the City of Minneapolis to identify infrastructure projects to improve pedestrian and bicycle crossing experiences at key intersections (28th, 32nd, 35th, 38th, 42nd and 46th St) along TH 55 (Hiawatha Avenue). Project tasks included extensive background analysis, pedestrian/bike counts, public outreach, development of improvement options, and preliminary design and associated costs.

TH 55 Pedestrian Crossing
Project Overview

Beyond Design
We led detailed discussions with each stakeholder group to address their specific concerns on the presented improvement items. The key project issues were safety, traffic signal timing, pedestrian refuge locations, and improved accessibility (ADA). This project was constructed under traffic with closures and traffic shifts.

Community Responsibility
We identified design options that were acceptable to all agencies and assisted Hennepin County staff in soliciting project funding. We provided community outreach services including presenting design options to various neighborhood groups and elected officials to solicit user feedback. We were also chosen to provide detailed design plans and construction oversight for the improvements along this corridor that were constructed in the spring of 2014.