The project located at the intersections of Th19 with NB I-35 Ramps, CSAH 46, and CR 59, involved reconstructing the existing intersections into one single-lane, 6-legged roundabout.
Rice County TH 19 Roundabout
Traffic Analysis, Environmental Documentation, Final Design, Preliminary Design
Rice County
Estimated Construction Cost
4.2 Million
TH 19 & I-35 Interchange On/Off Ramp, Rice County, MN
Project Overview

Beyond Design
This project required an MnDOT Geometric Level 1 Layout submittal and approval and the design of the roundabout. It also includes ADA-compliant off-street pedestrian facilities, storm sewer, stormwater retention, and a staged design. Because the project was funded with both State and Federal funds, Stonebrooke prepared the CAT-EX document detailing the state and federal environmental review.