We were selected to perform a feasibility study for the Parade Pay Parking Lot Improvements, which included a written evaluation of rehabilitation versus reconstruction for the parking lot. The final report included parking lot improvement options, stormwater improvements, cost estimates, as well as lighting, landscaping, and ADA improvement evaluation.

Parade Pay Parking Lot Feasibility Study and Final Design Services
Construction Administration, Final Design, Preliminary Design, Feasibility Study
Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board (MPRB)
Estimated Construction Cost
Minneapolis, MN
Project Overview

Beyond Design
We provided coordination efforts with not only the City of Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and Public Works, but also with other entities that utilize the grounds. This included the Blake School, Walker Art Center, Dunwoody College, and private contract users of the parking lots. Detailed cost estimates were prepared to compare industry surfacing and lighting standards versus green alternative options. A detailed parking lot use analysis revealed capacity requirements for daily and event use, revenue collection sources, and overall operation flow for in place locations and concept conjoined locations. We also provided construction inspection/contract administration for this project.