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Carlton County Pedestrian Trail and Bridge

Services Transportation Design
Client Carlton County
Estimated Construction Cost $300K
Location Carlton County, MN

Project Overview

This project included the construction of approximately 600 feet of an off-road multiuse trail adjacent to CSAH 1 in Carlton, MN. The trail was part of the rehabilitation of Bridge L1182 over Otter Creek. The trail also provided an important regional connection to the Willard Munger State Trail. We provided final design services on this project.

Beyond Design

Other improvements included: grading, aggregate base, bituminous trail paving, railroad crossing accommodations, plus bridge rehabilitation and widening. The existing bridge improvements included the removal and rehabilitation of end treatments on both sides of the bridge. In addition, we extended the existing cast-in-place structure on the east side to accommodate the proposed trail.

Community Responsibility

We also prepared and submitted a Project Memorandum in accordance with the Highway Project Design Development Process. This Project Memorandum included a social, economic, and environmental study that analyzed the impacts of this project on historic properties, endangered species, right-of-way, water quality, wetlands, floodplains, noise, and air quality. It also included the evaluation of alternate transportation corridors and design alternatives, and incorporated public involvement.